Info on and links to my crap projects :)

Click the project name for a link to the GitHub repo / site!

This Website

This website is a test, I'm using it to develop my "skill" in HTML and CSS.
I'm trying out many new things, and I hope that it can help me improve and (possibly) get a job in web dev or a similar field.

Any suggestions for things to try? Please email me at
Any changes I should make to the code? Open an issue here


This is my personal Discord bot. Probably won't be adding it to any other servers than my own.

Fake "Free Nitro" plugin website

Intended for use to troll people who think they can get Discord Nitro for free with a BetterDiscord plugin :)


My attempt at making a functional calculator to find:
• How many cookies you can bake in x amount of time
• How long it would take to make y amount of cookies

BetterDiscord Quickstart Guide

Made this simply because I was bored, but I'll link it on this page in case you're interested